Join the Government of Alberta and the Global Carbon Capture & Storage Institute for a full day workshop to learn of policy updates, CCUS operational and business models, technologies, and more to help catalyze CCUS deployment in Alberta.
Hear directly from government and agency representatives developing policies and implementing regulations as well as private sector participants deploying projects. Understand how various policies and regulations impact decisions and development of CCUS projects in Alberta. Specifically learn about CO2 offset protocols, Directive 065, funding support mechanisms, and deployment practicalities to support making informed decisions on capital expenditures for CCUS projects.
Note: This is Day 2 of a two-day workshop. If you would like to also attend the in-person networking session on Day 1, please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alberta-carbon-dating-ccus-networking-session-tickets-518132707877
Where -
MacEwan Ballroom, University of Calgary, 318 MacEwan Student Centre, (2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4)
When - Wednesday, March 8, 2023 (09:00 - 16:00 MST)
Format - In Person and Virtual
There will be limited capacity, so please register for VIRTUAL if you are unsure if you can attend and for IN PERSON if you are positive you will be there.
AGENDA [more details to come]
- Opening Remarks
- Session 1: Alberta CCUS in Context
- Alberta’s carbon management and CCUS strategy overview
- The Global Picture of CCUS
- Session 2: Alberta’s CCUS Operating Model
- Storage tenure management program updates
- CCS hub presentations and discussion
- Networking Break
- Session 3: CCUS Business Models and Incentives
- TIER program, carbon credits and CCUS
- Emissions Reduction Alberta Funding Opportunities/Funded Technologies
- Discussion
- Lunch (provided)
- Session 4:Regulations, Requirements and Insights
- Storage monitoring, measurement and verification
- Directive 065: Resources Applications for Oil and Gas Reservoirs
- Session 5: Carbon Capture Technology
- Carbon capture technology insights
- Hydrogen Centre of Excellence
- Wrap Up
- Global CCS Institute Member Dinner
Please RSVP on our Eventbrite page. Spots are limited.