EU Sustainable Energy Week Session: CCS and CCU for a climate neutral Europe
20 June 2019, 16.00 – 17.30, Brussels
The Global CCS Institute invites you to join us for our event taking place during the EU Sustainable Energy Week Policy Conference in Brussels. The Institute is jointly hosting this session with European Zero Emission Technology and Innovation Platform (ZEP) and CO2 Value Europe – with support from IOGP and Energy Technologies Europe. The event aims to raise awareness and increase visibility of CCS and CCU to policymakers, as well as broadening the debate to a wide range of stakeholders. The session will highlight the role of CCS and CCU in the fight against climate change and why these safe, proven and available technologies must be supported and deployed by Europe today.
The session will begin with a number of presentations, which will focus on the potential, value and benefits of CCS and CCU for a number of vital sectors of Europe’s economy; in particular energy and emission-intensive industries. This part of the session will also look at the importance of CCS and CCU to produce low-carbon hydrogen, which will help to decarbonise natural gas, heat and transport. The key thread that pulls all of this together is the development of shared CO2 transport and storage infrastructure, leading to the creation of CO2 clusters in major industrial European regions, such as the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Antwerp. The audience will hear from representatives of these two clusters regarding their current thinking on CCS and CCU and project proposals.
Welcome and introductory remarks
- Dr. Graeme Sweeney, Chairman of ZEP
- Damien Dallemagne, Secretary General, CO2 Value Europe
- Guloren Turan, General-Manager, Advocacy and Communications, Global CCS Institute
Chair: Damien Dallemagne, Secretary General, CO2 Value Europe
The role of CCS and CCU in the low-carbon transition of industrial clusters
- The CO2TransPorts PCI project – Port of Rotterdam
- CCUS strategy in the Port of Antwerp –Anne-Frédérique Demaerel, Port of Antwerp
- The Porthos CCS project – Port of Rotterdam
Supporting the energy transition
- Delivering low-carbon natural gas with hydrogen – Gunhild Reigstad, SINTEF and Paula Coussy, IFPEN
- E-fuels and decarbonising transport – Sunfire
Delivering net-zero emissions in process industries
- CCS and CCU in the cement industry – Rob van der Meer, Director Public Affairs, Heidelberg Cement
Chair: Guloren Turan, General-Manager, Advocacy and Communications, Global CCS Institute
- All speakers to take part. This will be followed by a Q&A with the audience.
Closing remarks
- Dr. Graeme Sweeney, Chairman of ZEP
This event is free to attend, however registration is required. Secure your place via the link below.