COP 26 (Glasgow, Scotland) | Reaching Climate Neutrality: Carbon Capture and Storage in the Green Transition
9th November 2021
Location(s): Glasgow
10:30 GMT
With climate neutrality targets drawing near, governments and industry are taking a comprehensive approach to mitigate climate change, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) is set to play a key role in that effort. Join us as we hold a live COP 26 event in Glasgow, Scotland where our panel of climate policy experts discuss 2050 climate targets and the importance of CCS in the green transition.
- Jim Skea – IPCC Co-Chair of Working Group III & Professor of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College London
- Tim Dixon – Director and General Manager, IEAGHG
- Ruth Herbert – CEO, Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
- Jonas Helseth – Director, Bellona Europa
- Guloren Turan – General Manager of Advocacy and Communications, Global CCS Institute (moderator)
This will be an in-person side COP 26 side event in Glasgow, Scotland within the Blue Zone. Find us at the IETA Business Hub Pavilion in Zone D, Hall 5.