Save the date! Our Europe Members Meeting will be held in Brussels.
Date: 14 June 2023
Format: Members only; in-person event
Location: Pullman Brussels Centre Midi, Place Victor Horta 1, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
Agenda | ||
08h30 – 9h00: Coffee and registrations09h00-09h15: Welcome
09h15 -10h45: Three concurrent workshops. Led by industry experts and moderated by the Institute, these sessions are designed to generate collaborative and insightful discussions. |
Managing project development risks Lead: Vusala Karimova |
Innovation Fund Lead: Bruno Gerrits |
Monetising carbon dioxide removals Lead: Dominic Rassool |
Miguel Angel Hernando Garcia (Technicas Reunidas) | Angus Gillespie (Carbon Management & Climate Change Executive), George Daskalakis (Motor Oil Hellas) |
Gianni Spinelli (Drax Group), Eduardo Famini (RBC), Niall MacDowell (Imperial College) |
Objective: To develop an understanding and identify key risks associated with CCS project development per project phase.
Objective: To discuss the nature and funding record of the EU’s Innovation Fund, tips on preparing a strong project application and options if rejected
Objective: To share insights on the latest developments in CDR to improve the business case for CCS projects
10h45-11h00: Summary and guidance for transportation11h00-12h30: Bus to Ghent including packed lunch
12h30 -15h30: Site visit to the Arcelor Mittal Steelanol project in Ghent. Please note this is a change from the initially planned visit to the Kairos@C project in Antwerp, due to logistical reasons. Transport to and from, and packed lunch included. 15h30 -16h30: Return to Brussels by bus 16h30-18h00: Free time 18h00–20h30: We end the day’s activities with a Social event at the Brussels Beer Project: a young and funky craft beer brewery, located in the hip Dansaert quarter in central Brussels. Brewery tour, tastings and finger food included. |