The Global CCS Institute is holding a Members Meeting on Wednesday, 28 September geared towards Institute members based in Europe. We will be hosting discussions on CCS policy, projects and more. Held in Copenhagen, Denmark, this meeting will take place at an event space at the headquarters of Ramboll Group, which was kindly and generously donated to the Institute for use.
Date & Time: 28 September 2022 | 08:30 – 15:30 CEST
Format: Members only; in-person event
Location(s): Ramboll Group A/S head office, Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
Preliminary Agenda:
- 08:30-09:00 Coffee/ Welcome
- 09:00-10:00 Session 1: CCS Denmark status
- 10:00-10:30: Coffee break
- 10:30-12:10 Session 2: Project presentations
- Greensand
- Celsio Oslo
- Ervia
- Energean Prinos
- 12:10-13:30 Lunch & networking
- 13:30-14:30 Session 3: Finance:
- What makes projects bankable?
- What are the instruments governments have made available to fund CCS?
- Conditions of funding e.g. EU Taxonomy
- 14:30 -15:30 Session 4: CO2 shipping working group and the ZeroCarbonShipping Centre
- 15:30 Thank you & networking!
For more details about the briefing, please contact us at