Insights and Commentaries

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Advances in CCS monitoring featured in new video online
Advances in CCS monitoring featured in new video online

15th May 2015

This insight, co-written by John Hamling, Senior Research Manager of the Energy and Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota, and Neil Wildgust, the Global CCS Institute’s Principal Manager – Storage, outlines how...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

Aquistore to provide valuable CO2 storage research
Aquistore to provide valuable CO2 storage research

15th May 2015

Aquistore, Canada’s first deep saline aquifer storage site, is an example of Canada’s continued leadership in CCS technology development. This insight by the Institute’s Neil Wildgust, Principal Manager – Storage, outlines the role of Aquistore...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

East and Southeast Asian countries unite to drive carbon dioxide storage
East and Southeast Asian countries unite to drive carbon dioxide storage

15th May 2015

In this Insight the Global CCS Institute's Chris Consoli, Senior Adviser for Storage (Asia Pacific) discusses methodologies for selecting geological carbon dioxide storage and estimating storage capacity and their relevance to East and Southeast Asia. A...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

CCS in developing countries – webinar series
CCS in developing countries – webinar series

15th May 2015

A recent series of three webinars hosted by the Global CCS Institute explored the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in developing countries. In this Insight the Institute's Principal Manager for Capacity Development, Alice Gibson...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, Renewables, use and storage (CCUS)

China CCS deployment expands
China CCS deployment expands

15th May 2015

In this Insight, the Global CCS Institute's Dr Tony Zhang, Senior Adviser for Carbon Capture reports on progress in carbon capture and storage (CCS) in China. Tony attended the recent ADB-China Datang Corporation CCS Workshop...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

Adding CCS to the energy mix in the UAE
Adding CCS to the energy mix in the UAE

15th March 2015

The UAE Ministry of Energy supports the development and deployment of CCUS technology and projects that can transform the energy sector while effectively supporting global efforts to combat climate change. The following Insight by His...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Economics, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

Which low carbon technology is now a reality?
Which low carbon technology is now a reality?

15th March 2015

With fossil fuels expected to supply over 70% of the world's energy needs by 2040, we face some urgent questions: where should efforts be focused in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies hold the most...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, Economics, Engineering and project delivery, law and regulation, Policy, Public engagement, use and storage (CCUS)

Pumping CO2 underground can help fight climate change. Why is it stuck in second gear?
Pumping CO2 underground can help fight climate change. Why is it stuck in second gear?

15th March 2015

This article by Howard Herzog, Senior Research Engineer at MIT was published in The Conversation US on March 12 2015. It is republished here with permission. The first commercial-scale carbon capture and storage operation at a...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Economics, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

Reduction of freshwater usage of a coal-fired power plant with CCS by applying a high level of integration of all water streams
Reduction of freshwater usage of a coal-fired power plant with CCS by applying a high level of integration of all water streams

15th January 2015

           The integration of the recently built 1070 MWe coal-fired unit in Rotterdam (Netherlands) with the proposed new 250 MWe demonstration carbon capture unit of the Rotterdam Opslag en Afvang Demonstratieproject (ROAD) would...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

How does carbon capture affect water consumption?
How does carbon capture affect water consumption?

15th January 2015

Implementing carbon capture in an existing power station or industrial process will have some effect on its water consumption. In fact a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system in general requires additional water for cooling and...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)


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