Insights and Commentaries

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Building carbon capture technical capacity in Mexico
Building carbon capture technical capacity in Mexico

15th April 2015

Over the past year, the Global CCS Institute has conducted a series of carbon capture and storage (CCS) workshops in Mexico that have drawn participants from academia, industry, and government institutions such as Secretaría de...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)

BASTOR2 – Unlocking the potential for CCS in the Baltic Sea
BASTOR2 – Unlocking the potential for CCS in the Baltic Sea

15th April 2015

            The Baltic Sea CO2 Storage (Bastor2) project was established with the primary objective of investigating the potential and conditions for geological storage in the Baltic Sea Region. However, the degree...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)

Carbon storage in the Baltic – new insights from the Bastor2 study
Carbon storage in the Baltic – new insights from the Bastor2 study

15th April 2015

This Insight, written by one of the study's authors, Per Arne Nilsson, is adapted from the Executive Summary to the Final Summary Report from the Elforsk Bastor2 study. The five part report series was undertaken...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Economics, Health, law and regulation, Policy, Public engagement, safety and environment, use and storage (CCUS)

India's Climate Change Research Institute presents book on CCUS
India's Climate Change Research Institute presents book on CCUS

15th April 2015

Dr Malti Goel is the CEO of the Climate Change Research Institute based in India. She has co-edited a new book on ‘Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization’. In this Insight Dr Goel provides an overview...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)

Roadmap for CCS Demonstration and Deployment for the People's Republic of China
Roadmap for CCS Demonstration and Deployment for the People's Republic of China

15th April 2015

Deploying CCS in developing countries is critically important.  The International Energy Agency estimates that to achieve global emissions reduction targets 70% of CCS projects will be in non-OECD countries by 2050. Achieving deep decarbonisation of...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, law and regulation, Policy, use and storage (CCUS)

Speeding up CCS deployment in the Asian region
Speeding up CCS deployment in the Asian region

15th March 2015

The Institute's Chris Consoli, Senior Adviser for Storage (Asia Pacific) recently attended a storage mapping workshop in Bali, Indonesia to share recent developments in identification and assessment of CO2 storage sites around South East Asia....

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)

Institute response to the EU Emissions Trading System consultations
Institute response to the EU Emissions Trading System consultations

15th March 2015

A recent consultation period ahead of the EU Emissions Trading System Directive's reform called for submissions on a range of low carbon technologies. The Global CCS Institute participated in the process in support of carbon...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, law and regulation, Policy, use and storage (CCUS)

Status of CCS in developing countries
Status of CCS in developing countries

15th March 2015

Deploying CCS in developing countries is critically important.  The International Energy Agency estimates that to achieve global emissions reduction targets 70% of CCS projects will be in non-OECD countries by 2050. This webinar provided an...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)

Which low carbon technology is now a reality?
Which low carbon technology is now a reality?

15th March 2015

With fossil fuels expected to supply over 70% of the world's energy needs by 2040, we face some urgent questions: where should efforts be focused in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies hold the most...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, Economics, Engineering and project delivery, law and regulation, Policy, Public engagement, use and storage (CCUS)

Pumping CO2 underground can help fight climate change. Why is it stuck in second gear?
Pumping CO2 underground can help fight climate change. Why is it stuck in second gear?

15th March 2015

This article by Howard Herzog, Senior Research Engineer at MIT was published in The Conversation US on March 12 2015. It is republished here with permission. The first commercial-scale carbon capture and storage operation at a...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Economics, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

CCUS: Building a climate change solution
CCUS: Building a climate change solution

15th March 2015

Duncan Kenyon, director of the Pembina Institute’s unconventional oil and gas program, has worked extensively on climate change related policy and projects, including a variety of CCS activities for the Shell Quest and SaskPower Boundary...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)

European CCS beyond Road and the UK, opportunities in the Baltic
European CCS beyond Road and the UK, opportunities in the Baltic

15th March 2015

The European carbon capture and storage (CCS) story is often framed in the context of the ROAD project in the Netherlands and the various CCS projects under development in the UK, the most advanced of...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Economics, use and storage (CCUS)


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