Insights and Commentaries

Insights and Commentaries

Carbon capture for coal to chemical industry in North West China

15th October 2015

Topic(s): CO2 capture, Engineering and project delivery

Commercial coal-to-chemicals processes are being rapidly deployed as a clean coal technology, particularly in China. The process generally has a large carbon foot print. While CCS has been successfully applied to capture and store carbon emissions from coal-fired power stations, it is also one of the only technology options for reducing emissions from industrial coal-to-chemicals processes.

Among others, Yanchang Petroleum Group has developed/planned several coal to chemical projects. Yanchang Petroleum Group is located in Shaanxi Province, in North West China. Yanchang Petroleum owns large reserves of oil, gas, coal and salts. To optimise the utilisation of its resources, Yanchang Petroleum developed technologies to convert coal, natural gas, and residue heavy oil to chemical products at its Jingbian Industry Park, in conjunction with a whole chain CCS project. Yanchang Petroleum will produce four knowledge sharing reports on critical aspects of carbon capture and storage (CCS) based on its practice in CCS.

In this webinar, Yanchang Petroleum reported on the capture aspects of the project, covering:

  • Background of the project 
  • Technical details of capture process 
  • Project timeline 
  • Commercial drivers 
  • Lessons learned 

Here is a recording of the webinar and a browsable version of the slides used in the presentation:

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