Webinar series: Public engagement, education and outreach for carbon capture and storage. Part 1: Lessons learned and tackling future challenges
Webinar series: Public engagement, education and outreach for carbon capture and storage. Part 1: Lessons learned and tackling future challenges
16th September 2016
Topic(s): Public engagement
The public engagement, education and outreach for CCS Webinar Series kicked off this September with a stellar opportunity to join three international public engagement experts, as they reflected on the key research findings and lessons learned from over 10 years of social research and project engagement experience.
World-renowned social researcher and IEAGHG Social Research Network Chair Peta Ashworth started the discussion by setting out her key lessons learned, and what future challenges and opportunities she perceives for public engagement with CCS.
An expert panel made up of Sarah Wade, Environmental Regulation and Policy Consultant and Coordinator of the Outreach Working Group for the US Department of Energy Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership Initiative, and Norm Sacuta, Communication Manager at the Petroleum Technology Research Centre and Director of Communications for the IEAGHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, then discussed these conclusions and their own experiences of engaging the public, before opening the Webinar up to questions from the audience.
This entire Webinar Series has been designed to hear directly from the experts and project practitioners researching and delivering public engagement, education and outreach best practice for CCS.
This first Webinar combined elements of social research with real world application and discussion, showcasing important learnings, and concluding with links to further publications and resources for those wishing to learn more.
Here is a recording of the webinar and a browsable version of the slides used in the presentation: