Webinar Series: Public engagement, education and outreach for CCS. Part 4: Is there a cost-effective way of making Industrial CCS a reality?

Webinar Series: Public engagement, education and outreach for CCS. Part 4: Is there a cost-effective way of making Industrial CCS a reality?

Webinar Series: Public engagement, education and outreach for CCS. Part 4: Is there a cost-effective way of making Industrial CCS a reality?

17th February 2017

Topic(s): Project financing


Teesside Collective has been developing a financial support mechanism to kickstart an Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) network in the UK. This project would transform the Teesside economy, which could act as a pilot area in the UK as part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

The final report– produced by Pöyry Management Consulting in partnership with Teesside Collective – outlines how near-term investment in CCS can be a cost-effective, attractive proposition for both Government and energy-intensive industry.

The report was published on Teesside Collective’s website on 7 February. You will be able to view copies of the report in advance of the webinar.

We were delighted to welcome Sarah Tennison from Tees Valley Combined Authority back onto the webinar programme. Sarah was joined by Phil Hare and Stuart Murray from Pöyry Management Consulting, to take us through the detail of the model and business case for Industrial CCS.

This webinar offered a rare opportunity to speak directly with these project developers and understand more about their proposed financial support mechanism.

Here is a recording of the webinar and a browsable version of the slides used in the presentation:

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