Media Releases
Drax power plant becomes first of its kind BECCS pilot
8th February 2019
Location(s): London
Statement on Drax’s announcement
Global CCS Institute’s member Drax has announced that a tonne of carbon dioxide a day is now being captured at the company’s power station in North Yorkshire. The biomass power generation project aims to become the world’s first carbon negative power station. The project also features a new form of post combustion carbon capture on biomass feedstock, instead of coal. In the IPCC 1.5 report, BECCS plays an important role in delivery of global climate targets. In fact, it is present in three of the four scenarios put forward by the IPCC report.
Responding to the announcement, Guloren Turan, General-Manager, Advocacy, for the Global CCS Institute said: “It is exciting to see Drax’s innovative project taking form. It shows the power of industry leadership on climate action. The project has the potential to kickstart BECCS in the UK and globally. It will also help demonstrate the potential of the technology to decarbonise our energy system.”
For further information about the project and the latest announcement, you can find Drax’s press release here.