Carbon capture and storage projects under the climate policy regime: The case of Halten CO2
1st December 2007
Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation
The aim of this study is to assess institutional, political and legislative issues associated with the planned “CO2 value chain from Tjeldbergodden to Draugen and Heidrun” industrial project. The Draugen and Heidrun oil reservoirs are two important components of the value chain and are situated on the Halten Bank off mid-Norway. For short we refer to the project as the “Halten CO2 project”. This study is supplemented by an economic study and a study of legislative issues. The economic study is carried out by CICERO and focuses on the social value of the Tjeldbergodden industrial project. The legislative study focuses on environmental liability, discusses the relevant Norwegian legislation, and point out which adjustments Norwegian authorities should consider before CO2 chains become operative in Norway. It is carried out by the Scandinavian Institute of Marine Law at University of Oslo (Berger, 2007a and 2007b).
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