Carbon Management In NDCs: Collation, Assessment and a Path Forward

Carbon Management In NDCs: Collation, Assessment and a Path Forward

Carbon Management In NDCs: Collation, Assessment and a Path Forward

19th December 2024

Read the Institute's report on Carbon Management in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

NDCs outline the actions and efforts countries are making to reduce emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Designed to ensure that the Paris Agreement targets remain on track, countries must submit their NDCs to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat (UNFCCC) every five years.

With the next submission interval due in February 2025, carbon management can be valuable in supporting forthcoming decarbonisation strategies.

This report, titled "Carbon Management in NDCs: Collation, Assessment and a Path Forward", authored by the Institute's Senior International Climate Change Policy Lead, Noora Al Amer, provides readers with key insights on the topic, including:

  • A brief overview of NDCs, outlining what may inform their development
  • The state of play of carbon management  in the international policy landscape, with a snapshot of perspectives from G7 and G20 countries
  • An assessment of carbon management in current NDCs
  • The role climate finance can play in advancing carbon management technologies

Download your copy of the report here.


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Carbon Management In NDCs: Collation, Assessment and a Path Forward


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