Preliminary feasibility study on CO2 carrier for ship-based CCS
Preliminary feasibility study on CO2 carrier for ship-based CCS
31st October 2011
Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 transport
This report from Chiyoda Corporation covers a technical pre-feasibility study of shuttle type CO2 ship transport, the engineering design of ship equipment and injection method suitable for offshore operations, and goes further on to discuss the regulatory considerations for ship-based CO2 transport and injection.
Many regions will be unable to secure suitable onshore CO2 storage and that this will be the major barrier to the deployment of domestic CCS. Shipping CO2 to a suitable offshore site via smaller shuttle tanks could provide an economical alternative to long distance seabed pipeline transportation.
The Project Leader for the study is Professor Masahiko Ozaki, who was the lead author on the IPCC Special Report on CCS -Chapter on CO2 Shipping Transportation.
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