

Results from Collie CCS Hub workshop: what do the locals think?

1st April 2011

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Public engagement

The Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s (CSIRO) Science into Society Group, in conjunction with the Western Australia Department of Mines and Petroleum, conducted a workshop in Harvey, Western Australia in February 2011, supported by the Global CCS Institute. The aims of the workshop were to:

  1. assess the public’s knowledge and attitudes towards climate change science and low emissions energy technologies, particularly CCS;
  2. establish a framework for future public participation in studies and evaluation of the Collie Hub concept; and
  3. explore the effectiveness of a participatory one-day workshop process to enable more informed dialogue about the issues and risks regarding climate change science and energy technology options.

Information was presented on climate change and low emission energy sources and related technologies, followed by a presentation on CCS and the Collie Hub project. The workshop resulted in a number of significant improvements in participants’ self-rated knowledge of climate change and related issues. The vast majority of participants expressed agreement that climate change was an important issue to Australia.

The reports outline the process and information from the community consultation in Harvey and detail the Collie CCS Hub workshop results. A separate document outlines the questions (and answers) raised by the workshop attendees. These documents provide useful information for project proponents looking to undertake similar community consultation activities, and highlights some of the issues pertinent to the public within the CCS space.


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Results from Collie CCS Hub workshop: what do the locals think?


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