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Alberta Carbon Trunk Line now fully operational
2nd June 2020
Topic(s): ACTL, Canada, CCS Facilities, CCUS
The number of large-scale CCS facilities in operation has increased to 21 with today's announcement that the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL) system is now fully operational.
The ACTL system captures industrial emissions and delivers the CO2 to mature oil and gas reservoirs in Central Alberta, Canada, for use in enhanced oil recovery and permanent storage.
The current supply of CO2 is captured at the North West Redwater Partnership (NWR) Sturgeon Refinery and Nutrien’s Redwater Fertilizer Facility, offering a sustainable emissions solution for energy and agriculture sectors. The CO2 then travels down a 240-kilometre pipeline, which is owned by Wolf Midstream, to a storage reservoir owned by Enhance Energy.
The system includes the world’s largest capacity pipeline for CO2 from human activity, capable of transporting up to 14.6 million tonnes of CO2 per year. This is equal to the impact of capturing the CO2 from more than 2.6 million cars in Alberta. Designed with excess capacity, the system will connect more facilities and storage reservoirs in the future as demand increases for an effective solution to manage emissions.
There are now 21 large-scale CCS facilities in operation globally (14 of these are in North America), two in construction and 28 in various stages of development. Visit to find out more.