

CCUS in the Indian Cement Industry: A Review of CO2 Hubs and Storage Facilities

26th June 2024

Download this new report, co-authored by the Institute, titled "CCUS in the Indian Cement Industry: A Review of CO2 Hubs and Storage Facilities".

India’s economic growth has been substantial over the last two decades, much of which can be attributed to rapid industrialisation. India’s cement industry is the second largest globally and has played an important role in the country’s economic ascent.  

Concurrently, tackling rising CO2 emissions in the country – 5.8% of which can be attributed to cement production – will be key, and CCUS can play a central role in that effort. 

This report was funded by the Global CCS Foundation, whose mission is to increase the impact of carbon capture and storage to help achieve a net-zero world. It is the first in a series of reports developed in collaboration with the Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative and Global Cement and Concrete Association.  

The publication assesses and highlights:  

  • Opportunities for CCS to decarbonise the cement industry in India.  
  • Subsurface data gaps, which will be important to address in India – along with other countries with emerging economies – where CCS can play a critical role in decarbonising industry  
  • Potential CCUS hub ecosystems in India 
  • Transport and storage costs through a techno-economic analysis, and more 


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CCUS in the Indian Cement Industry: A Review of CO2 Hubs and Storage Facilities


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