Insights and Commentaries

Insights and Commentaries

Revitalizing CCS: bringing scale and speed to CCS deployment

15th June 2015

In this webinar, Janet Gellici, Executive Vice President and COO of the National Coal Council, and the Institute’s Pamela Tomski, Senior Advisor, Policy and Regulatory and a lead author on the report, Fossil Forward - Revitalizing CCS: Bringing Scale & Speed to CCS Deployment discussed the findings and recommendations to advance the commercial scale deployment of CCUS.

The National Coal Council (NCC), an advisory committee to the US Secretary of Energy, recently released a study that assessed the US Department of Energy’s Carbon Sequestration Program in terms of its progress regarding the cost, safety and technical operation of CCS.


Here is a recording of the webinar and a browsable version of the slides used in the presentation:

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