Insights and Commentaries

Insights and Commentaries

The Shell Peterhead CCS Project – understanding full-chain CCS operations

15th June 2015

Following Shell’s update on the Peterhead CCS Project on May 28th, this webinar provided more details of the process simulation technology used on the project to understand operation and control of the whole CCS chain.

Process Systems Enterprise (PSE) explained how their gCCS modelling toolkit for CCS systems has been employed to develop a full-chain dynamic model using design information from the front end engineering.

Simulation scenarios cover start-up and shut-down operations, load changes and trip events for steam turbine and CO2 compressor. The performance of the control systems is assessed and possible areas for optimisation and improvement are suggested.

The results presented provide valuable insights into the behaviour of the CCS chain, and demonstrate the significant benefits that can be achieved from optimising start-up procedures to minimise CO2 emissions and maximise the efficiency of electricity generation during operation.

The webinar was presented by PSE’s speakers Alfredo Ramos (Vice President Power & CCS Business), Dr Adekola Lawal (Sr. Consultant) and Dr Penny Stanger (Consultant).

Here is a recording of the webinar and a browsable version of the slides used in the presentation:

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