Distinguished Fellows
John Scowcroft
John Scowcroft has been posthumously honoured as a Distinguished Fellow of the Global CCS Institute. John worked for the Institute since January 2012 and undertook several roles throughout the years, including General Manager and International Climate Negotiations Adviser. Prior to this, John was Head of the Environment and Sustainable Development Policy Unit at Electricity Development Policy Unit at Electricity EURELECTRIC, the association which represents the European electricity industry. In this role, John was responsible for all aspects of environmental and sustainable development policy, in particular for global and European climate policy.
John had followed climate change issues since COP 1 and was the Business and Industry representative on the UNFCCC’s TEC Task on Emerging and Cross Cutting Issues. John was a recognised expert in CCS policies, with a strong reputation in the EU and UK, and his legacy in CCS will continue to have an impact in the years to come.