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APAC Forum highlights CCS as key to developing a low carbon economy
3rd June 2019
The 2019 APAC CCS Forum was held in Brisbane on Friday 31st May, bringing together over 100 delegates from government, industry, academic and the private sector from across Australia and the region. Presentations and discussions focused on the urgency of addressing rising emissions whilst learning of the opportunities the transition to a low emissions economy presents.
Titled Developing a low carbon economy, the Forum focused the versatility of CCS to deliver deep emissions reductions across various industry sectors, as well as presenting the enormous opportunities CCS presents in the creation of a new energy economy.
Presentations in the policy and major projects stream included an update from the Australian Government, Chinese Embassy and the CO2CRC about the Australian CCS Network. An update was provided by the Victorian Government on the CarbonNet pilot project in Victoria's Gippsland region, and the related Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) project from Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
Representatives from UniSuper, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and the Minerals Council of Australia addressed CCS opportunities from an ESG, investment and finance perspective, with JBIC drawing on their experience in financing the PetraNova CCS Facility in the US.
Industry streams throughout the afternoon focused on the application of CCS to decarbonise the Iron, Steel, Cement, Hydrogen, LNG and Oil sectors, with speakers from Bridgeport Energy, Santos, China Baowu Steel Group, KHI, Calix Limited, CNPC and the Global CCS Institute. During these sessions, the opportunity for CCS technology to be used for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) in Australia and its role in the development of a clean Hydrogen export industry were highlighted.
The Forum closed with a special CCS case study on the Tomokamai CCS Facility, presented by Japan CCS Co.
It was clear from the presentations and discussions throughout the day that the APAC region's energy transition will be disruptive. However, with the deployment of CCS technology, it can also be a growth story.
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