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European Parliament Adopts the EU Carbon Removals Certification Framework
12th April 2024
On 10 April, the European Parliament formally approved during the plenary session the provisional agreement reached with the EU Council in February 2024 on a regulation establishing the world’s first voluntary certification framework for carbon removals.
The goal of the EU Carbon Removals Certification Framework (CRCF) is to incentivise carbon removal activities in the EU and contribute to the Union’s ambition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
In Particular, the CRCF aims to provide assurance around the quality and governance of different types of activities (from permanent carbon removals to temporary carbon storage in long-lasting products and from carbon farming, as well as soil emission reductions), and create a unified certification scheme regulating the trading of carbon removal units.
The regulation provisionally agreed by the co-legislators following the interinstitutional negotiations was officially endorsed by the Members of the European Parliament with 441 votes in favour, 139 against and 41 abstentions.
The CRCF now needs to be formally approved also by the Council of the EU before being published in the Official Journal of the EU and entering into force.
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