Media Releases
Carbon capture and storage remains essential to beating climate change
8th October 2018
Location(s): Australia, Melbourne
Melbourne: Monday 8 October, 2018: Latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) findings released today are further confirmation that carbon capture and storage (CCS) is essential to mitigating climate change.
Welcoming the release of the IPCC’s Special Report of 1.5 Degrees, the world authority on CCS, the Global CCS Institute, said 2 degrees, let alone 1.5 degrees, cannot be met without CCS and the best climate science available was continuing to support that fact.
Global CCS Institute CEO, Brad Page, said as the world veered off-track in meeting international climate change commitments, it was pressingly apparent that CCS was an essential part of the arsenal of clean technologies needed to combat climate change.
“The IPCC’s report reconfirms the role which carbon capture and technology must play in beating climate change, and the fact that all technologies are necessary.
“As the IPCC has acknowledged, the extreme weather events witnessed around the world over the past few months are evidence enough of the catastrophe that climate change poses.
We need to take heed and take action to what is happening. The IPCC’s report is yet another call to arms.”
Mr Page said the IPCC, as well as the International Energy Agency (IEA), confirmed that CCS was the only technology capable of decarbonizing major industry, particularly the high emitting cement, steel and petrochemical sectors.
“These are sectors that cannot be turned off at the flick of a switch. They need a technology that can mitigate their emissions at the same time as safeguarding the jobs and economies they support.
“We have a technology that can bridge the gap between our current fossil fuel dependence and a future which is emission free.”
Mr Page said the Report has reinforced the fact that a 1.5 degree world cannot be reached without deployment of all clean technologies and carbon capture and storage is most definitively one.
“CCS must remain at the forefront of national, regional and international policy discussions and, as the IPCC said today, governments must act on this evidence.”
There are now 18 large-scale CCS facilities in commercial operation around the world, with five in construction and more 20 in various stages of development.
Antonios Papaspiropoulos (Melbourne): +61 401 944 478
Lucy Temple-Smith (Melbourne): +61 466 982 068
Annya Schneider (Brussels): +32 (0) 25503972
Lee Beck (Washington DC): +1 202-677-9053
About the Global CCS Institute: Our mission is to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS), a vital technology to tackle climate change and provide energy security. Working with and on behalf of our Members, we drive the adoption of CCS as quickly and cost effectively as possible by sharing expertise, building capacity and providing advice and support so that this vital technology can play its part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our diverse international membership consists of governments, global corporations, small companies, research bodies and nongovernment organisations, committed to CCS as an integral part of a low-carbon future. We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with regional offices in Washington DC, Brussels, Beijing and Tokyo. For more information, visit