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Submission to the public consultation on the strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions

8th October 2018

In July 2018, the European Commission launched a public consultation on a strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The strategy will shape the vision for the EU’s climate action ambition. The public consultation will also help define several pathways for decarbonisation and their implications on technology choices and socioeconomic factors. The EU’s long-term climate strategy is expected to be published in November 2018.

The Global CCS Institute supports the European Commission’s commitment to deliver a new strategy for long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions in line with the Paris Agreement. The Institute also welcomes the opportunity to present its views and provide feedback through this public consultation. The Institute has submitted a response to the public consultation. In this position paper, the Institute highlights the urgent need to scale up the deployment of CCS to meet global climate targets and net-zero by the second half of the century. The Institute also highlight the value of CCS for Europe, its industries and citizens.

PDF icon Position Paper – GCCSI Long-term Strategy for long-term GHG emissions reductions

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