

CCS Milestones on the Road to COP28

18th July 2023

Read the Institute’s publication titled ‘CCS Milestones on the Road to COP28’, which uncovers international and national policy actions and discussions taken ahead of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28).  

With COP28 being held from 30 November-12 December in the United Arab Emirates, carbon capture and storage (CCS) saw multilateral attention during the first half of 2023. However, improvements related to the coherence of CCS remain, particularly as opportunities to facilitate the deployment of the technology grows during this critical decade of action.  

Authored by the Institute’s Senior International Climate Change Policy Adviser, Noora Al Amer, this report highlights and assesses a number of milestones reached ahead of COP28 as it relates to CCS, including:  

  • The release of the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report, that marked CCS as an option to reduce emissions from industry. The report will support and inform the first Global Stocktake at the upcoming COP28. 
  • The latest political positioning on CCS issues, including through the Carbon Management Challenge and G7 and G20 activities 
  • The IEA’s Credible Pathways to 1.5°C Report, released in April 2023, which puts an emphasis on the need for CCS to tackle emissions from the energy sector  
  • The outcomes of the Bonn Climate Conference, where CCS was addressed formally in negotiation rooms                      

Opportunities to support and inform CCS and climate discussions at COP28 are ongoing for governments, industry players, ENGOs, civil society organisations and relevant stakeholders. Download the report today to get up to date on the latest details. 


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CCS Milestones on the Road to COP28


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