Scaling up the CCS Market to Deliver Net-Zero Emissions
20th April 2020
Topic(s): Carbon capture and storage (CCS), CCS facilities, Policy law and regulation
Understanding how the CCS market is likely to develop over the coming years is of interest to a wide range of stakeholders. It can help inform the timing and design of policies introduced by governments, the scale of the market for potential investors, and the challenges associated with meeting long-term climate targets.
This report aims to inform the discussion on these topics by providing an overview of the near-term and longer-term developments in the CCS market.
It reviews the current CCS facility pipeline, and how that could change in the next few years given project lead-in times. It then considers how this compares to projections of the number of CCS facilities needed to meet long-term climate goals. Throughout the report the number of CCS facilities deployed is used as a proxy for the size of the CCS market.
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