

Six Key COP28 Outcomes for CCS

20th December 2023

During the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) held between 30 November and 12 of December 2023, all Parties to the UNFCCC came together to evaluate climate mitigating efforts that have been put in place to limit global warming whilst assessing ways to strengthen climate targets.

The Institute was on the ground in Dubai as an official Observer to follow closely the negotiations process, engage in CCS relevant discussions, as well as host and take part in several side events related to CCS and carbon management.

In this newly released report authored by the Institute's Senior Policy Adviser on International Climate Change, Noora Al Amer, we highlight significant developments for CCS that emerged this year during COP28, assessing the way forward for net-zero targets and international climate policy.

The report further unpacks:

  • The outcomes of the carbon management high-level roundtable co-hosted by the COP28 UAE Presidency with Carbon Management Challenge (CMC)
  • Where CCS fits in the UAE Consensus, the Paris Agreement’s first global stocktake outcome
  • References to CCS included in the Mitigation Action and Implementation Work Programme (MWP) Decision
  • The launch of the Global Decarbonization Accelerator (GDA) to speed up the energy transition and drastically reduce global emissions
  • The launch of the Cement and Buildings Breakthrough as part of the Emirates Breakthroughs
  • Opportunities for youth engagement on energy topics, including CCS



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Six Key COP28 Outcomes for CCS


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