Briefing #1: Achieving Energy and Climate Goals - The Role of Carbon Capture
Thursday, March 28, 2019
11:45 am - 1 pm
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center
Room 203-02
Lunch will be served
Please join the Carbon Utilization Research Council (CURC), the Global CCS Institute, and the Carbon Capture Coalition for Carbon Lunches - A Carbon Capture 101 Briefings Series. The briefings will provide an introduction to Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage, and how this suite of technologies can deliver steep emissions reductions alongside other clean and renewable sources of energy in the transition to a zero-carbon economy, while supporting clean energy production and creating high-wage energy, industrial, and manufacturing jobs
Opening Remarks
Senator Joe Manchin
Keynote Address
Bob Perciasepe, President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
What is Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage?
Jeff Erikson, General Manager, Global CCS Institute
Carbon Capture’s Role in Addressing Climate Change: The Environmental Perspective
Karl Hausker, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute
Carbon Capture within a Diverse Low-Carbon Energy Portfolio
Samantha McCulloch, Head of Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage, International Energy Agency
Followed by a Q&A
*More speakers to be announced
Please save the date for Briefing #2:
Carbon Capture Technology 101
April 26
11:45 am - 1 pm
More information to follow
Please feel free to share this invitation with your network.
This event is organized by the Carbon Utilization Research Council, the Carbon Capture Coalition, and the Global CCS Institute with support from: