We are pleased to have completed two successful days of presentations, discussions, networking and collaboration at the 3rd South East Asia Accelerator (SEACA) Workshop in Kuala Lumpur. The Institute was pleased and honoured to welcome H.E. Mr. Rafizi Ramli, Minister for Economy, Malaysia, as our Guest of Honor, and more than 150 delegates. The Workshop focused on the establishment of an international CCS Value Chain across Asia.
The event was hosted with the support of our partners ASEAN and ANGEA.
You can access more information about the event through the following links.
Event Agenda:
2024 SEACA Workshop III Agenda
Event Recap:
SEACA Workshop III Recap - Global CCS Institute
Technical Report, including links to the Event Presentations:
SEACA Workshop III Technical Report - Global CCS Institute
For general queries, please contact preeta.panicker@globalccsinstitute.com