

Callide Oxyfuel Project: Surat Basin CO2 storage site selection. Part 1: review of Surat Basin CO2 storage options

27th June 2013

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage

The overall objective of the report is to present an initial appraisal of a number of potential CO2 storage reservoirs in the Surat basin based on currently proposed EPQs in the Northern (EPQ 7 & 8) and Southern (EPQ 10, 12, 14) Surat Basin areas in the context of large scale CO2 storage (> 1
Mt pa). The report includes the following: 1. Description of the assessment methodology applied. 2. Description of general geology of the areas. 3. Characterisation and ranking of the sites in terms of Social and Environmental factors; access and infrastructure; injectivity, storage capacity, containment. 4. Summary of data in appendices based on various cores and bore holes that are available in the public domain, including stratigraphic profiles, and hydrological data.


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Callide Oxyfuel Project: Surat Basin CO2 storage site selection. Part 1: review of Surat Basin CO2 storage options


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