

Carbon dioxide storage: geological security and environmental issues. Case study on the Sleipner gas field in Norway

1st May 2007

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Health safety and environment

The Sleipner project is a commercial CO2 injection project and proved that CO2 capture and storage is a technically feasible and effective method for greenhouse mitigation. It further demonstrates that CO2 storage is both safe and has a low environmental impact. Monitoring is needed for a wide variety of purposes. Specifically, to ensure and document the injection process, verify the quantity of injected CO2 that has been stored by various mechanisms, demonstrate with appropriate monitoring techniques that CO2 remains contained in the intended storage formation(s). This is currently the principal method for assuring that the CO2 remains stored and that performance predictions can be verified.


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Carbon dioxide storage: geological security and environmental issues. Case study on the Sleipner gas field in Norway


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