

Chemical tracer partition coefficients for CCS

22nd March 2013

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage

The primary aims of this project are to establish general methodologies for determining supercritical carbon dioxide/water partitioning coefficients for chemical traces through a series of laboratory experiments relevant to CCS. In the context of a monitoring and verification program for a CO2 storage project, an accurate interpretation of tracer results is critical for both evaluating reservoir conformance and determining whether leakage from the storage reservoir is occurring. Firstly, a review of known partition coefficients for chemicals of relevance to CCS as tracers is given. Subsequently, the specific methodologies implemented in this project for determining these coefficients for reactive ester tracers and inert gas tracers are given alongside a comprehensive table of partition coefficients determined at various temperatures for selected tracers. These correlations provide considerable insight into the thermodynamic conditions associated with the partitioning process and will enable the accurate simulation of these chemical tracers within the studied range of temperature.


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Chemical tracer partition coefficients for CCS


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