

Criteria for technical and economic assessment of plants with low CO2 emissions

1st May 2009

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation

The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG) undertakes studies to assess technologies for abatement of greenhouse gas emissions. IEA GHG has concentrated on CO2 capture and storage (CCS) applied to power generation but it has also assessed CCS in other industries and will compare the relative merits of CCS and alternative greenhouse gas abatement options. Soon after IEA GHG started operation in 1991 it produced a set of standard technical and economic criteria for assessment of power plants with capture to ensure that its studies are undertaken on a consistent basis, as far as possible. These criteria have continued to be used since then, with some minor modifications.

In the time since IEA GHG was set up, economic conditions have changed, knowledge of CCS and other technologies has increased and IEA GHG has been undertaking increasingly detailed studies. In response to these changes IEA GHG has decided to revise and expand its assessment criteria. As a starting point IEA GHG’s criteria for new power plants with CO2 capture have been updated and some general guidelines for assessment of other types of plant with CO2 capture have been included. These changes are described in this report. Future work will look to expand the criteria to encompass retrofit of CO2 capture, the full CCS chain including CO2 transport and storage and non-CCS energy technologies. In the mean time a notional cost of CO2 transport and storage shall be assumed and sensitivities to a range of costs shall be assessed.


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Criteria for technical and economic assessment of plants with low CO2 emissions


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