

Regional stress and predicted hydrogeochemical impact of CO2 storage in the Surat Basin: interim report

1st June 2013

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage

Early results of hydro-geochemical modelling for CO2 storage in the Surat Basin. This research is highly relevant to both potential CO2 injection operators and those statutory bodies that must regulate geosequestration operations in low salinity aquifers. The report provides early model assessments of geochemical influences of a greenhouse gas stream on both reservoir and seal rock types and the associated water chemistry. Importantly, these models use injection fluid compositions of CO2 , SOx and NOx that are broadly indicative of the composition of the major components of a GHG Stream sourced from coal-fired power stations.


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Regional stress and predicted hydrogeochemical impact of CO2 storage in the Surat Basin: interim report


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