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CCUS Deployment Vital to Reaching Global Climate Targets, IEA Report Finds
24th September 2020
In a new report released by the International Energy Agency (IEA), findings show that net zero climate targets will be near impossible to reach without rapid industrial decarbonisation by carbon, capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)...
Australian Government releases Low Emissions Technology Statement as part of Technology Investment Roadmap
22nd September 2020
Today, Australian Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor released the Government’s first Low Emissions Technology Statement, the first milestone in Australia’s Technology Investment Roadmap. View the Low Emissions Technology Statement The Statement outlines...
Topic(s): Australia, CCS Policy
Global CCS Institute launches two new language websites
8th September 2020
The Global CCS Institute is delighted to announce the launch of two new websites - one in Japanese and one in Chinese – which will enable our valued Members and stakeholders in Japan and China...
U.K Government Earmarks Funding for CCS Under Green Recovery Plan
22nd July 2020
The Global CCS Institute welcomes the U.K government’s announcement to invest £139 million to scale up the use of carbon capture and storage and drive emission reductions in heavy industry. The announcement is part of...
EU Commission Releases Hydrogen Strategy, Renews Green Deal Commitments
8th July 2020
Hydrogen will be a key component in Europe’s transition towards a low-carbon economy, according to a new strategy released by the European Commission. The EU Hydrogen Strategy incorporates hydrogen in its efforts to further decarbonise...
European Commission launches the first call of the Innovation Fund
3rd July 2020
The Global CCS Institute welcomes the launch of the first call of the European Commission’s EU ETS Innovation Fund. In supporting EU’s transition to climate neutral economy, the Fund aims to support the demonstration of...
Topic(s): European Green Deal
Global CCS Institute partners with OGCI and Pale Blue Dot Energy to launch world first catalogue of CO2 storage resource for CCUS
1st July 2020
We are pleased to announce the launch of the CO2 Storage Resource Catalogue, the first independent worldwide evaluation of geologic CO2 storage resource assessments. The database has been developed in partnership with The Oil and Gas...
Topic(s): CO2 Storage
World’s first at scale hydrogen production facilities with CCS announced in the UK
1st July 2020
Equinor has today announced it will lead a project to develop one of the UK’s – and the world’s – first at-scale facilities to produce hydrogen from natural gas in combination with carbon capture and...
Drax and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group announce new BECCS pilot
24th June 2020
A new bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) pilot facility will be installed within Drax’s CCUS Incubation Area in the autumn. The pilot facility will enable Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) to demonstrate its BECCS technology...
Topic(s): BECCS
Australian Labor Leader signals bipartisan support for CCS
24th June 2020
Australian Labor leader Anthony Albanese MP today spoke of his party's support for the Australian Government's Technology Investment Roadmap, and within it, the use of CCS to address rising emissions and tackle climate change. Speaking...
Topic(s): Australia
Inaugural meeting of the Southeast Asia CCUS Working Group
17th June 2020
For Southeast Asia, with its power generation fuel mix and rapidly growing natural gas production, carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) has a unique and critical role to play in reducing the rapidly increasing carbon...
Topic(s): CCS Policy, CCUS, Southeast Asia
CCS pipeline grows by 10 large-scale facilities globally
8th June 2020
On June 8, the Global CCS Institute added 10 carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities to our global database, bringing the total number of CCS facilities in various stages of development to 59 with a capture capacity...