Applying carbon capture and storage to a Chinese steel plant
Applying carbon capture and storage to a Chinese steel plant
27th August 2015
Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 capture, Engineering and project delivery
The Global CCS Institute presents a feasibility study report on applying carbon capture and storage (CCS) to a steel plant in China. Toshiba was commissioned to conduct the study through its business partner Tongfang Environment in collaboration with Shougang Jingtang United Iron & Steel of China. The study examined the application of CCS onto the Caofeidian steel plant.
The report covers the concept of capturing CO2 from a Chinese steel plant, transportation and potential storage in an oilfield for enhanced oil recovery (EOR).
The study suggests that carbon capture in Chinese steel plants is a cost effective means of reducing carbon emissions compared with similar plants around the world.
This report is authored by Toshiba for the Global CCS Institute. Tony Zhang, Institute Senior Adviser for Carbon Capture, Asia-Pacific also provides an overview of the report in a new Insight available on the Global CCS Institute website.
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