

Final report on prospective sites for the geological storage of CO2 in the southern Baltic Sea

1st February 2014

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage

For this study, SLR was commissioned by Elforsk to identify and characterise the potential CO2 storage sites in the southern Baltic Sea, in a project sponsored by the Swedish Energy Agency, the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute and Swedish industrial partners.

The study determined that there is a theoretical regional capacity to store some 16Gt of COin the Middle Cambrian sandstone beneath 900 metres of caprock and 1.9Gt in the Dalders Monocline. There is theoretical storage capacity of some 743Mt COin hydrocarbon and saline structures, which are located mainly offshore of Latvia. On the basis of the data available, there is no effective capacity proven within these totals, although the Dalders Structure, with 128Mt, could be considered better defined, albeit still within the theoretical category range. Thus the study has established a relatively large theoretical storage capacity for captured CO2.


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Final report on prospective sites for the geological storage of CO2 in the southern Baltic Sea


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