Offshore CO2 storage legal resources
30th August 2012
Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage, Liability, Permitting, Policy law and regulation
Offshore CO2 storage legal resources covers activities relating to offshore CO2 storage in specific regions.
1. International marine legislation
This section looks specifically at current international marine legislation that may have a bearing upon the legality of CCS activities including:
2. European offshore CO2 storage
Here we look at legislation that relates specifically to the European marine environment, namely the North East Atlantic and North Sea:
3. UK offshore CO2 storage
This section looks specifically at the UK regulatory framework and the enactment of the Energy Act 2008, which is a framework for the licensing, enforcement and registration of CCS.
4. Australian offshore CO2 storage
Here we consider the regulatory framework created by the Australian Government for offshore CO2 storage based on amendments to existing petroleum legislation.
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