

Potential impacts on groundwater resources of CO2 geological storage

11th October 2011

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage, Health safety and environment

The main objective of the present study is: (1) to identify geological settings with potential juxtaposition of potable groundwater resources and storage sites, (2) to provide an overview of potential mechanisms of quantitative and qualitative impacts of storage schemes on overlying aquifers, (3) to assess the relevance of those mechanisms through the analysis of results obtained on natural and industrial analogues, (4) to demonstrate the relevance of the potential impacts as identified/quantified by modelling approaches, (5) to address the relevance of potential impacts with respect to current regulation on storage and on water protection and environmental impact assessment regulations and (6) to discuss the remedial actions that can be implemented once the leakage of or brine is detected.


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Potential impacts on groundwater resources of CO2 geological storage


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