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Video: Global CCS Institute Presents at Gippsland Hydrogen Forum
25th October 2019
Watch the below video of Global CCS Institute CEO Mr Brad Page presenting at Hydrogen Forum: A pathway to environmental & regional prosperity - Where to for Gippsland?, in August 2019. In the presentation, Mr...
Resources: Washington DC Briefing on the State of the Hydrogen Economy
10th October 2019
The Institute’s US office recently hosted a discussion on the State of the Global Hydrogen Economy exploring questions such as: What is the nexus of renewables and carbon capture in decarbonizing hydrogen production? How can...
Webinar: Is it time for a commercial approach to CCS Liability?
16th September 2019
Liability has long been raised as a significant barrier to the wide scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS). This Webinar draws on the key analysis and findings of our Thought Leadership Report released...
Webinar: California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and its Carbon Capture and Storage Protocol
17th June 2019
The Global CCS Institute hosted a webinar discussing California's Carbon Capture and Storage Protocol, and the Institute's latest report which provides a summary of the regulation for project developers as well as policymakers in other states and...
Webinar: Telling the Norwegian CCS Story Part III – Northern Lights: A European CO2 transport and storage project
13th May 2019
The Global CCS Institute hosted the final webinar of its "Telling the Norwegian CCS Story" series which presented Northern Lights. This project is part of the Norwegian full-scale CCS project which will include the capture...
Carbon Lunches: A Carbon Capture 101 Briefing Series
30th April 2019
The Global CCS Institute, in partnership with the Carbon Utilization Research Council (CURC) and the Carbon Capture Coalition, hosted Carbon Lunches: A Carbon Capture 101 Briefing Series in the United States Congress. The inaugural Carbon...
Webinar: Policy priorities to incentivise large scale deployment of CCS
5th April 2019
The Global CCS Institute released a new report highlighting strategic policy priorities for the large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The Institute’s report also reviews the progress achieved until now with existing policies and the...
CCS Q&A – Interviews from Accelerating CCUS Conference, Edinburgh
15th February 2019
During the Accelerating CCUS Conference in Edinburgh in November, we caught up with some of the speakers to ask them key questions on the future of CCUS. This is what they had to say. CCS...
CCS Talks: A COP24 debrief with John Scowcroft
20th December 2018
In our first CCS Talks podcast, hear an in-depth debrief of COP24 from our Executive Advisor - John Scowcroft - who has attended every single COP, since Berlin in 1995. Interviewed by our Senior Advocacy and Communications...
Interview: Negative Emissions in all Safe Climate Pathways
18th December 2018
Watch our CEO, Brad Page interviewed for Green & Tonic at COP24 by CEO of Carbon Tracker, Anthony Hobley. Titled An Urgent Conversation: Why We Must Talk About the Negative Emissions in all Safe Climate Pathways...
Webinar: CCS Readiness Index
27th November 2018
Right now, there are 18 large-scale CCS facilities operating around the world. But it is not enough. If we want to limit global warming to well below two degrees Celsius, we need thousands. However, a...
Webinar: Telling the Norwegian CCS Story PART II – CCS: the path to a sustainable and emission-free cement industry
15th November 2018
The Global CCS Institute in collaboration with Gassnova hosted the second webinar of its "Telling the Norwegian CCS Story" series. The second webinar presented Norcem's CCS project at their cement production facility in Brevik, in...