

Global storage portfolio: a global assessment of the geological CO2 storage resource potential

1st March 2016

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage, Engineering and project delivery

The primary purpose of the Institute’s Global Storage Portfolio is to collate and summarise published regional assessments of key nations. The Portfolio also summarises key data on a nation’s readiness to host a commercial, large-scale project. For this reason, only proven storage scenarios including deep saline formations (DSF), depleted/depleting oil and gas fields (DGOF) and enhanced oil recovery using CO2 (CO2-EOR) are considered. The analysis has found that:

  • Substantial storage resources are present in most key regions of the world.
  • Reliable methodologies to determine and classify regional storage resources are available and have been widely applied, although there is no formally recognised international standard.
  • The level of resource assessment undertaken and the availability of characterisation data is highly variable across regions.
  • The level of detail a regional resource assessment has progressed as well as the policy, legal and regulatory frameworks are key criteria that can be used to gauge the readiness of any given nation to deploy a CCS project.

The storage resources are grouped into five regions:

  1. Asia-Pacific (fourteen countries)
  2. Americas (five countries)
  3. Middle East (three countries)
  4. Europe and Russia (EU plus three countries)
  5. Africa (four countries).

​The resulting portfolio will enable the reader to rapidly establish a snapshot of a country’s storage resource and potential to deploy a large-scale project.


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Global storage portfolio: a global assessment of the geological CO2 storage resource potential


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