Insights and Commentaries

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Aquistore to provide valuable CO2 storage research
Aquistore to provide valuable CO2 storage research

15th May 2015

Aquistore, Canada’s first deep saline aquifer storage site, is an example of Canada’s continued leadership in CCS technology development. This insight by the Institute’s Neil Wildgust, Principal Manager – Storage, outlines the role of Aquistore...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

Global warming caught in midst of American cultural divide
Global warming caught in midst of American cultural divide

15th May 2015

American attitudes about the environment have been surveyed for more than 20 years by a public opinion research company, Gallup Inc, headquartered in Washington, DC. In this insight, Diane Teigiser, the Institute’s Senior Advisor for...

Topic(s): Health, Public engagement, safety and environment

Advances in CCS monitoring featured in new video online
Advances in CCS monitoring featured in new video online

15th May 2015

This insight, co-written by John Hamling, Senior Research Manager of the Energy and Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota, and Neil Wildgust, the Global CCS Institute’s Principal Manager – Storage, outlines how...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)

A review of the CO2GeoNet 10th Annual Forum
A review of the CO2GeoNet 10th Annual Forum

15th May 2015

CO2GeoNet, the European network on the geological storage of CO2 held their 10th Annual Open Forum "CO2 storage - the cornerstone of our low carbon future” from 11-12th May 2015, in San Servolo, Italy. In...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, law and regulation, Policy, Public engagement, use and storage (CCUS)

CCS in developing countries – webinar series
CCS in developing countries – webinar series

15th May 2015

A recent series of three webinars hosted by the Global CCS Institute explored the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in developing countries. In this Insight the Institute's Principal Manager for Capacity Development, Alice Gibson...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, Renewables, use and storage (CCUS)

Getting real about carbon capture and storage
Getting real about carbon capture and storage

15th May 2015

The following Insight is an excerpt from an article by Chris Davies, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) 1999-2014 and Rapporteur for the CCS Directive and the Parliament's implementation report on CCS. Read the full...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, law and regulation, Policy, Project financing, use and storage (CCUS)

Melbourne hosts Australian Emissions Reduction Summit
Melbourne hosts Australian Emissions Reduction Summit

15th May 2015

The Global CCS Institute joined many prominent Australian and international organisations in sponsoring the 2nd Australian Emissions Reduction Summit held in Melbourne on 5 and 6 May 2015. In the Insight below the Institute's Lawrence...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, law and regulation, Policy, use and storage (CCUS)

Focus on private sector financing for climate technologies
Focus on private sector financing for climate technologies

15th May 2015

The Institute attended the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) meeting for Network members in Bangkok over 28-29 April 2015. The CTCN is the operational arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Economics, law and regulation, Policy, use and storage (CCUS)

Tempered optimism in lead up to COP21 climate talks
Tempered optimism in lead up to COP21 climate talks

15th May 2015

The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) convened a forum on 23 April in Washington, DC to examine the issues, options and priorities for the upcoming Paris climate talks. In this insight, Victor Der,...

Topic(s): Carbon capture, Economics, law and regulation, Policy, use and storage (CCUS)

CCUS progress in Brazil
CCUS progress in Brazil

15th May 2015

The Global CCS Institute co-sponsored the 3rd Congresso Brasileiro de CO2, held 28-29 April in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In this insight, Meade Goodwin, Senior Advisor – Capacity Building and Public Engagement for the Americas,...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)

US and China lead international collaboration on CCS
US and China lead international collaboration on CCS

15th May 2015

In this Insight the Global CCS Institute's General Manager for Asia-Pacific, Clare Penrose, reports from the second carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) workshop for the US-China Climate Change Workshop Group held on 20 April...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, law and regulation, Policy, use and storage (CCUS)

China CCS deployment expands
China CCS deployment expands

15th May 2015

In this Insight, the Global CCS Institute's Dr Tony Zhang, Senior Adviser for Carbon Capture reports on progress in carbon capture and storage (CCS) in China. Tony attended the recent ADB-China Datang Corporation CCS Workshop...

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)


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