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Insights and Commentaries
New large-scale CCS facilities added to Global CCS database
18th November 2018
Following significant developments of “the decarbonised hydrogen (H2)” as well as “hubs and clusters” in the UK and Netherlands, new large-scale CCS facilities have been included in the Institute database, with approvals from facility proponents....
Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture, CO2 capture, CO2 hubs, CO2 storage, CO2 transport, CO2 utilisation, use and storage (CCUS)
NET Power announces revolutionary CCS milestone
18th May 2018
A revolutionary milestone in the large-scale development and deployment of carbon capture and storage has been reached with NET Power, LLC, announcing it has successfully achieved first fire of its ingenious supercritical carbon dioxide (CO₂) demonstration power plant and...
Topic(s): Business cases, Capacity development, Carbon capture, CO2 capture, Economics, Engineering and project delivery, Incentive mechanisms, Project financing, use and storage (CCUS)
Webinar Series: Public engagement, education and outreach for CCS. Part 3: Can’t see it, can’t understand it? Engaging the imagination on CO2 storage
17th January 2017
The third webinar in the public engagement, education and outreach for CCS Series digged deeper, perhaps multiple kilometres deeper, to explore successful methods for engaging the public...
Topic(s): CO2 capture, Public engagement
Water use of thermal power plants equipped with CO2 capture systems
16th December 2016
The potential for increased water use has often been noted as a challenge to the widespread deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Early studies, that are widely referenced and...
Topic(s): CO2 capture, CO2 storage
Development of an aqueous ammonia-based post-combustion capture technology for Australian conditions
16th October 2016
To highlight the research and achievements of Australian researchers, the Global CCS Institute with ANLEC R&D will hold a series of webinars throughout 2016. Each webinar highlights a specific ANLEC R&D research project and the...
Topic(s): CO2 capture
Callide oxyfuel research project, Part 2: CO2 quality control prior to compression
16th August 2016
To highlight the research and achievements of Australian researchers, the Global CCS Institute with ANLEC R&D will hold a series of webinars throughout 2016. Each webinar will highlight a specific ANLEC R&D research project and...
Topic(s): CO2 capture
Callide oxyfuel research project, Part 1: Removal of SOx, NOx and mercury gases during CO2 compression
16th July 2016
To highlight the research and achievements of Australian researchers, the Global CCS Institute with ANLEC R&D will hold a series of webinars throughout 2016. Each webinar will highlight a specific ANLEC R&D research project and...
Topic(s): CO2 capture
The Global Status of CCS: 100 days after the COP21 Paris Agreement
16th March 2016
The COP 21 climate negotiations in Paris during December 2015 spoke with great promise of a renewed global commitment to tackle climate change. Front and centre in the post-COP discussion has been one significant shift in...
Topic(s): Carbon capture, CO2 capture, CO2 storage, CO2 transport, CO2 utilisation, use and storage (CCUS)
Carbon capture for coal to chemical industry in North West China
15th October 2015
Commercial coal-to-chemicals processes are being rapidly deployed as a clean coal technology, particularly in China. The process generally has a large carbon foot print. While CCS has been successfully applied to capture and store carbon...
Topic(s): CO2 capture, Engineering and project delivery
Partial CO2 capture and the CO2stCap project
15th October 2015
The CO2stCap project is a new four–year research project aiming to reduce the cost of industrial carbon dioxide (CO2) capture processes. In this Insight, Ragnhild Skagestad and Hans Aksel Haugen of Tel–Tek discuss the wider...
Topic(s): Carbon capture, CO2 capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)
Applying carbon capture and storage to a Chinese steel plant. Feasibility Study on a CCS facility in China
15th September 2015
The Global CCS Institute has recently published a feasibility study report on applying carbon capture and storage (CCS) to a steel plant in China. Toshiba was commissioned to conduct the study in collaboration with Chinese corporations. The...
Topic(s): Carbon capture, CO2 capture, CO2 storage, use and storage (CCUS)
Callide Oxyfuel Project paves the way for commercial scale CCS
15th June 2015
The Callide Oxyfuel Project in central Queensland, Australia ran in demonstration phase from June 2012 to March 2015. The project has produced valuable data on oxyfuel combustion processes and technology for retrofitting to coal-fired power...
Topic(s): Carbon capture, CO2 capture, Engineering and project delivery, use and storage (CCUS)