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Insights and Commentaries
2024 Australia and Southeast Asia Forum on CCS: Recap
Key issues and topics of discussion related to CCS within the context of the regional transition to net-zero
28th March 2024
Over the second week of March, the Global CCS Institute was pleased to host the 2024 Australia and Southeast Asia Forum on Carbon Capture and Storage. The event brought together Institute members and a broad...
CCS Commercial and Regulatory Frameworks Enabling CCS Progress in Norway and Europe
Lessons learned from CCS front-runners during recent GCCSI webinar
18th December 2023
Key Insights: A comprehensive approach to CCS is required at a national level for the technology to play its role in climate mitigation. As a leader in CCS, Norway has been building up support, regulatory...
2023 New York Climate Week CCS Finance Event – Recap
Cross-sector insights on potential policy actions and emerging business models that would be conducive to scaling up CCUS deployments
29th September 2023
The Global CCS Institute together with CCUS Initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial organized on 21 September an event during the New York Climate Week to bring together stakeholders from the finance sector, CCUS project...
US, Norway Use Taxes, Credits to Lead World in Carbon Management
Deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) needs to increase at least 100-fold by 2050 for the world to meet its net-zero emissions goals. The US and Norway illustrate how effective government policy can help achieve this.
20th September 2023
The US and Norway lead the world in carbon management after differing government approaches to pricing carbon spurred significant investment in the sector, highlighting the range of financial and policy incentives that can be used...
Safeguarding Jobs and Industrial Competitiveness in Europe through CCS
Insights from the 2023 European Sustainable Energy Week
25th July 2023
The Global CCS Institute moderated a session during the European Sustainable Energy Week in June 2023, organised in partnership with the Zero Emission Platform (ZEP), on “Climate Neutral Europe: Safeguarding Jobs and Industrial Competitiveness”. Representatives...
China Continues to Advance CCUS in 2023
'Learning-by-doing’ after launch of first integrated megaton project underscores momentum
20th July 2023
The first half of 2023 saw China’s interest in carbon capture, utilisation and storage progress after China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, also known as SINOPEC, commenced operations at the country’s first integrated megaton-scale CCUS project...
South East Asia CCS Accelerator (SEACA)
26th May 2023
Introduction The greatest need for CCS exists in hard to abate sectors, particularly those with process emissions and in economies that rely upon fossil fuels to support their rapid economic growth. Consequently, it is imperative...
Scaling up CO2 Pipeline Deployment in the U.S. – Findings from Listening Sessions Hosted by the Global CCS Institute
18th May 2023
Executive Summary The US is home to the largest number of commercial CCS facilities and CO2 pipelines around the world. There are currently 50 CO2 pipelines operating in the US through over 8,000 km which...
Topic(s): CO2 pipelines, CO2 transport
Insight: Institute Launched a China CCUS Progress Report
18th March 2023
2022 was a great year for Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) in China. Two years after the country announced its 30/60 targets, CCUS development was finally put to high gear. Within twelve months, China...
Gulf Cooperation Council States Illustrate CCS Promise
29th June 2022
As carbon capture and storage ambitions continue to grow in the Gulf Corporation Council States (GCC), the Global CCS Institute has made a concerted effort to support the region’s growing CCS market. In 2021 the...
Present and Future: Australian CCS Policy Beyond the Federal Election
13th April 2022
With an Australian federal election upcoming, climate change continues to rank as among the most important issues for business and the broader public. Although the immediate political focus has understandably shifted to cost of living...
CCS Trust Funds at Two Development Banks Set to Close – Where Do We Go From Here?
14th March 2022
During a recent webinar hosted by the Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative, speakers from the World Bank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) revealed that both of their CCS Trust Funds, which have been...