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CCS in Dutch Waters || CCS in Nederlandse Wateren
CCS in Dutch Waters || CCS in Nederlandse Wateren

5th November 2021

Carbon Capture and Storage is essential to achieving net-zero emissions and mitigating climate change by 2050. The Netherlands is a leading country in terms of CCS deployment. Storage locations, technology, expertise and policy are in...

2021 Global Status of CCS Report: Launch Event (Asia Pacific)
2021 Global Status of CCS Report: Launch Event (Asia Pacific)

15th October 2021

On 13 October, the Global CCS Institute held an online event to launch the flagship Global CCS Status Report in the Asia Pacific region. The 2021 Global Status of CCS Report demonstrates the vital role...

2021 Global Status of CCS Report: Launch Event (European Region and North America)
2021 Global Status of CCS Report: Launch Event (European Region and North America)

14th October 2021

On 12 October, the Global CCS Institute held an online event to launch the flagship Global CCS Status Report. The 2021 Global Status of CCS Report demonstrates the vital role of carbon capture and storage...

COP 26: Moving the Needle Forward on Climate Action and Climate Technology
COP 26: Moving the Needle Forward on Climate Action and Climate Technology

29th September 2021

Every year, the UN Conference of the Parties (COP) brings together government leaders, climate experts, ENGOs and industry from around the world to move the needle forward on climate ambition. After a one-year postponement, COP...

Countdown to COP – Part II – Reaching Net Zero: The Paris Agreement, Regional Climate Commitments and the Role of CCS
Countdown to COP – Part II – Reaching Net Zero: The Paris Agreement, Regional Climate Commitments and the Role of CCS

1st September 2021

As more governments and energy intensive sectors commit to reaching net-zero targets by 2050, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is increasingly becoming a main feature in climate mitigations plans. Climate research show that CCS will...

CCS in the Circular Carbon Economy: Policy and Regulatory Proposals
CCS in the Circular Carbon Economy: Policy and Regulatory Proposals

30th July 2021

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is essential to achieving net-zero ambitions and mitigating climate change. The total installed CCS capacity must increase 100-fold by 2050 to limit global warming to 2° Celsius above pre-industrial times, according...

Countdown to COP – Part I – CCS in International Climate Negotiations
Countdown to COP – Part I – CCS in International Climate Negotiations

27th July 2021

With the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) set to take place in Glasgow this November, the countdown to COP is officially underway. Now more than ever, governments and corporations around the world have made...

CCS Talks: Unlocking Private Finance to Support CCS Investments
CCS Talks: Unlocking Private Finance to Support CCS Investments

22nd July 2021

A significant increase in private sector funding to support CCS is needed to reach 2050 net-zero climate targets. The Institute’s latest thought leadership report, titled ‘Unlocking Private Finance to Support CCS Investments’, outlines what governments and private actors can do...

Developing CCS Projects in Alberta
Developing CCS Projects in Alberta

11th July 2021

Alberta’s expertise in CO2 capture, transport and storage, and in oil & gas, make it well positioned to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. The province continues to build momentum for the...

CCS Talks: The Acorn CCS Project and Scotland’s Contribution to Net Zero
CCS Talks: The Acorn CCS Project and Scotland’s Contribution to Net Zero

26th June 2021

Held on 24 June 2021, the Institute hosted a webinar which provided insights into Scotland’s plans to deliver Net Zero, the associated decarbonisation roadmap and the role of the Acorn CCS project in its delivery....

EU Green Week 2021 – Supporting Europe’s 2050 Climate Targets Through Carbon Capture and Storage
EU Green Week 2021 – Supporting Europe’s 2050 Climate Targets Through Carbon Capture and Storage

9th June 2021

In collaboration with the Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP), the Global CCS Institute held a live webinar on 2 June 2021 as part of EU Green week to discuss CCS and Europe's 2050 climate targets. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will have a key role to play in Europe’s industrial transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. CCS is...

Funding Climate Technology and Securing a Net-Zero Future – Innovate4Climate (I4C)
Funding Climate Technology and Securing a Net-Zero Future – Innovate4Climate (I4C)

8th June 2021

Organised by the World Bank Group, Innovate4Climate (I4C) is a free annual event on climate finance, climate investment and climate markets. In partnership with the International Finance Corporation, the Global CCS Institute delivered a I4C webinar on 26 May 2021 titled Carbon Capture and Storage: Funding Climate Technology and Securing a Net-Zero Future. This webinar looked at the current state of CCS policy and funding support, along with the varied approaches being taken to accelerate the deployment of CCS. Bringing together policy experts from around the...


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