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Global Status of CCS 2023 – Report & Executive Summary
Global Status of CCS 2023 – Report & Executive Summary

9th November 2023

Organisation(s): Global CCS Institute

Topic(s): Global Status Report

Reaching global climate goals will require a massive scale-up of CCS.

This report and executive summary outlines the state of CCS across the globe in 2023 and the benefits of scaling up CCS for the future.

The status report provides a global snapshot of CCS progress, highlighting the rapid development of CCS across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and the UK, and the MENA region in 2023.

To download the full 2023 Global Status of CCS Report PDF please download it using the button below.

To download the two-page Executive Summary click here.

For more info, visit:




The content within the Global CCS Institute Publications, Reports and Research Library is provided for information purposes only. We make every effort and take reasonable care to keep the content of this section up-to-date and error-free. However, we make no claim as to its accuracy, currency or reliability.

Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

Global Status of CCS 2021 – Arabic
Global Status of CCS 2021 – Arabic

14th October 2021

Topic(s): Global Status Report

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) continues to make significant progress around the world against a backdrop of greater climate action from countries and private companies. The Global Status of CCS 2021 demonstrates the critical role of CCS as nations and industry accelerate to net-zero.

The report provides detailed analyses of the global project pipeline, international policy, finance, and emerging trends. In addition, four regional overviews highlight the rapid development of CCS across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and nearby regions, and the Gulf Cooperation Council states.

The Global Status of CCS report shows that global storage capacity has increased 32% in the last year alone. There are now 135 commercial CCS facilities in the project pipeline (27 are fully operational) from a diverse range of sectors including cement, steel, hydrogen, power generation and direct air capture.

Download the full Global Status Report 2021 in Arabic.



The content within the Global CCS Institute Publications, Reports and Research Library is provided for information purposes only. We make every effort and take reasonable care to keep the content of this section up-to-date and error-free. However, we make no claim as to its accuracy, currency or reliability.

Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

Policy Factsheet – Global Status of CCS 2021
Policy Factsheet – Global Status of CCS 2021

13th October 2021

Topic(s): Global Status Report

The Global Status of CCS report illustrates the critical role carbon capture and storage technology plays in reducing industrial emissions and documents the current and ongoing CCS efforts being undertaken to tackle climate change.

The Global Status of CCS factsheet highlights measures government and industry can take to achieve cost-effective net-zero emissions through CCS and also points to key milestones reached in the CCS space over the last year.

Download the Global Status of CCS Factsheet below:

Global Status of CCS - Factsheet - English

Global Status of CCS - Factsheet - Japanese

Global Status of CCS - Factsheet - Chinese


The content within the Global CCS Institute Publications, Reports and Research Library is provided for information purposes only. We make every effort and take reasonable care to keep the content of this section up-to-date and error-free. However, we make no claim as to its accuracy, currency or reliability.

Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

Global Status of CCS 2021
Global Status of CCS 2021

13th October 2021

Topic(s): Global Status Report

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) continues to make significant progress around the world against a backdrop of greater climate action from countries and private companies. The Global Status of CCS 2021 demonstrates the critical role of CCS as nations and industry accelerate to net-zero.

The report provides detailed analyses of the global project pipeline, international policy, finance, and emerging trends. In addition, four regional overviews highlight the rapid development of CCS across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and nearby regions, and the Gulf Cooperation Council states.

The Global Status of CCS report shows that global storage capacity has increased 32% in the last year alone. There are now 135 commercial CCS facilities in the project pipeline (27 are fully operational) from a diverse range of sectors including cement, steel, hydrogen, power generation and direct air capture.



The content within the Global CCS Institute Publications, Reports and Research Library is provided for information purposes only. We make every effort and take reasonable care to keep the content of this section up-to-date and error-free. However, we make no claim as to its accuracy, currency or reliability.

Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.


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