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Waste-to-Energy with CCS: A pathway to carbon-negative power generation
14th October 2019
Organisation(s): Global CCS Institute
Topic(s): Carbon capture and storage (CCS), Waste to energy
A growing global population and rising living standards are producing ever greater quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW). This same growth in population and living standards is also driving ever-larger demand for energy, especially electricity.
A key solution to increasing quantities of waste, rising energy demand and methane emissions from MSW is Waste-to-Energy (WtE); the generation of energy – in the form of electricity and heat – from the processing of waste. The addition of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to WtE has the potential to make waste a zero or even negative emissions energy source, depending upon the origin of the wastes utilised.
In our latest Perspective, Senior Consultant - Capture Technology, David T. Kearns, provides an overview of Waste-to-Energy including how it works and its relation to climate change. The Perspective also discusses how the addition of CCS has the potential to make waste a zero, or even negative, emissions energy source.