Zero Emission Porto Tolle: ZEPT Project results

This report summarises the main lessons learnt and key findings from the Zero Emission Porto Tolle (ZEPT) project. The ZEPT project was funded by the European Energy Programme for Recovery (EEPR) during the period 2009-2013 and covered the design, procurement and construction of a demonstration CCS plant as well as the detailed site characterisation, to verify the feasibility of the injection and storage of CO2 in a safe and verifiable manner.

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A realistic technology and engineering assessment of algae biofuel production
A realistic technology and engineering assessment of algae biofuel production

1st October 2010

Topic(s): Biofuels / Bioenergy, Engineering and project delivery, Renewables

This Energy Biosciences Institute report assesses the economics of microalgae biofuels production through an analysis of five production scenarios. These scenarios, or cases, are based on technologies that currently exist or are expected to become available in the near-term, including raceway ponds for microalgae cultivation, bioflocculation for algae harvesting, and hexane for extraction of algae oil. Process flow diagrams, facility site layouts, and estimates for the capital and operations costs of each case were developed de novo. This report also reviews current and developing microalgae biofuel technologies for both oil and biogas production, provides an initial assessment of the US and California resource potential for microalgae biofuels, and recommends specific R&D efforts to advance the feasibility of large-scale algae biofuel production.



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Low carbon energy: A roadmap
Low carbon energy: A roadmap

1st January 2008

Topic(s): Energy efficiency, Renewables

This report assess the available technology for power generation from renewables and efficiency increases leads the author to conclude that a low-carbon future lies just round the corner.



The content within the Global CCS Institute Publications, Reports and Research Library is provided for information purposes only. We make every effort and take reasonable care to keep the content of this section up-to-date and error-free. However, we make no claim as to its accuracy, currency or reliability.

Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.


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