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The CarbonNet Project: site characterisation for carbon storage in the near shore Gippsland Basin
The CarbonNet Project: site characterisation for carbon storage in the near shore Gippsland Basin

7th September 2015

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 storage

The Global CCS Institute presents a carbon dioxide (CO2) storage site characterisation study for the CarbonNet Project. The CarbonNet project is investigating the potential to establish a CCS Hub bringing together multiple CO2 capture projects in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, transporting CO2 via a shared pipeline and injecting it into the offshore Gippsland Basin. The report details the steps taken during the screening of potential storage sites in the offshore Gippsland Basin.

Three of the highest ranked sites are identified and their geological characteristics detailed and suitability for CO2 storage are described. The report found that all three storage sites are located nearshore and have the potential to dispose of between 25 and 15 Mt of CO2 permanently in deep saline formations.

This report is authored by Nick Hoffman, George Carman, Mohammad Bagheri, Todd Goebel; and the CarbonNet Project for the Global CCS Institute. Chris Consoli, Institute Senior Adviser for Storage, Asia-Pacific also provides an overview of the report in a new Insight available on the Global CCS Institute website.



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