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Legal & Regulatory Indicator (CCS-LRI)
Legal & Regulatory Indicator (CCS-LRI)

16th October 2018

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation

Law and regulation remains a critical element of a government’s policy response to support the development and deployment of CCS. Robust legal and regulatory frameworks provide certainty for businesses eager to engage in innovation, and the deployment of CCS.

The CCS-LRI offers a detailed examination and assessment of national legal and regulatory frameworks in 55 countries and examines a range of legal and regulatory factors likely to be critical for the regulation of the technology.



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CCS Storage Indicator (CCS-SI)
CCS Storage Indicator (CCS-SI)

16th October 2018

Topic(s): Capacity development, Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation

The availability of storage resources is the ultimate pre-requisite for CCS deployment. For global CCS deployment, each country needs to know where, and how much, CO2 can be stored. Each nation needs to characterise, explore and appraise a national portfolio of accessible, commercially-viable storage sites ready for CCS Facilities.

The CCS-SI tracks the development of storage resources for 80 countries. The 2018 scores confirm an overall improvement since the 2015 CCS-SI with twelve nations having mature, or near-mature, storage resources to enable wide-scale CCS.



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Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

CCS Policy Indicator (CCS-PI)
CCS Policy Indicator (CCS-PI)

16th October 2018

Organisation(s): Global CCS Institute

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Economics, Policy law and regulation, Project financing

Government policy, given effect through law and the allocation of public resources, is critical to achieving climate targets. It plays a material role in determining the return on investment for any climate mitigation technology making confidence in government policy a pre-requisite of investment.

The CCS-PI tracks the development of government policy to accelerate the deployment of CCS as an essential climate mitigation technology in over 100 countries.



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Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

The Carbon Capture and Storage Readiness Index 2018: Is the world ready for carbon capture and storage?
The Carbon Capture and Storage Readiness Index 2018: Is the world ready for carbon capture and storage?

16th October 2018

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Economics, Policy law and regulation

Collectively, our three Indicator Reports 2018 form a further, criteria-based assessment known as the CCS Readiness Index, or CCS-RI. The 2018 CCS-RI examines over 50 countries using 70 discrete criteria and enables a comparative assessment of countries globally.

Clear from the 2018 assessment is that greater effort is required to deploy CCS at the scale necessary to meet climate change mitigation ambitions.



The content within the Global CCS Institute Publications, Reports and Research Library is provided for information purposes only. We make every effort and take reasonable care to keep the content of this section up-to-date and error-free. However, we make no claim as to its accuracy, currency or reliability.

Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

Effective enforcement of underground storage of carbon dioxide
Effective enforcement of underground storage of carbon dioxide

5th August 2016

Topic(s): CO2 storage, Policy law and regulation

The perception of an effective enforcement regime that ensures the secure and safe storage of CO2 in underground geologic formations will be crucial in increasing public and industry confidence in carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a viable low-carbon technology.

An effective enforcement regime for underground storage of CO2 has the following key features:

  • Comprehensive obligations that address the key risks of underground storage of CO2
  • Comprehensive monitoring and verification (M&V) requirements, including baseline monitoring, M&V obligations during the injection phase and M&V obligations post-injection
  • Enforcement mechanisms that are risk-based, layered and flexible, grounded in science and fact-based decision-making, and include the ability to deal with 'serious situations' (such as unintended releases and CO2 not behaving as predicted)
  • A clear allocation of roles and responsibilities for enforcement.

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Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.


18th February 2016

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Economics, Engineering and project delivery, Policy law and regulation





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22nd December 2015

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation


Chinese translation of Roadmap for carbon capture and storage demonstration and deployment in the People's Republic of China.



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Closing the gap on climate: why CCS is a vital part of the solution
Closing the gap on climate: why CCS is a vital part of the solution

17th December 2015

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Domestic policy, Policy law and regulation

The ENGO Network on CCS actively advocates for policies that will lead to the rapid uptake of low carbon technologies and climate change mitigation strategies.

Following the Network's 2012 paper, this work re-examines the role of CCS as a technology traditionally perceived as specific to coal-fired power generation, but whose value is now widely recognised as much broader: in the decarbonisation of power generation fuelled by natural gas, in the industrial sector, and in the increased focus on removing carbon from the atmosphere through bio-CCS.



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Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

Roadmap for carbon capture and storage demonstration and deployment in the People’s Republic of China
Roadmap for carbon capture and storage demonstration and deployment in the People’s Republic of China

2nd December 2015

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), CO2 capture, CO2 storage, CO2 utilisation, Domestic policy, Policy law and regulation

This Roadmap provides information on how China could achieve its climate goals through policy measures that encourage the deployment of CCS out to 2050. The work draws from economic modelling by experts at The Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy at Tsinghua University, and The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

Additional Work Package Reports

  • Road Map for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Demonstration and Deployment: Work Package 1 Report - Review of CCS Roadmaps (March 2015)
  • Road Map for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Demonstration and Deployment: Work Package 4 Report - CCS Regulatory Framework for the People's Republic of China (March 2015)
  • Road Map for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Demonstration and Deployment: Work Package 5a Report and 5b Report - Opportunities for CCS Deployment in the People's Republic of China under Low Carbon Transformation Scenarios (Mar 2015)
  • Road Map for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Demonstration and Deployment: Component B - Oxy-Fuel Combustion Technology Assessment

Insights about this report, from Lawrence Irlam (Global CCS Institute Senior Adviser Policy & Economics), Tony Wood (the Grattan Institute’s Energy Program), and Annika Seiler (Finance Specialist (Energy) with the Asian Development Bank (ADB)) are available on the Global CCS Institute website.



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Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.


17th November 2015

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation


Japanese translation of Carbon capture and storage policy indicator (CCS-PI).



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Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

The global status of CCS: 2015. Volume 2: projects, policy and markets
The global status of CCS: 2015. Volume 2: projects, policy and markets

4th November 2015

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation

Volume 2: Projects, Policy and Markets details key global CCS project and policy developments as well as regional trends in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. A comprehensive compendium of large-scale CCS project and notable project data is also provided in this volume.

Exclusive Member Access



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Content and material featured within this section of our website includes reports and research published by third parties. The content and material may include opinions and recommendations of third parties that do not reflect those held by the Global CCS Institute.

The global status of CCS: 2015. Volume 1: international climate discussions
The global status of CCS: 2015. Volume 1: international climate discussions

4th November 2015

Topic(s): Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), Policy law and regulation

Volume 1: International Climate Discussions considers the necessity for an international negotiating framework to facilitate action on climate change, the road to COP21 in Paris in December 2015, and its importance for global efforts on climate action and CCS.

Exclusive Member Access



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